Pizza to the Polls has partnered with Uber Eats to deliver free food to anyone who plans to cast their vote in person for the upcoming elections.
With the elections swiftly approaching, long lines are expected to form at polling stations during early voting and Election Day. That’s why if you’re planning on casting your ballot in-person this year, you might be doing so while munching on some yummy treats.
The non-profit Pizza to the Polls has partnered with Uber Eats to bring hungry voters a little pick-me-up while waiting long hours to cast their ballots. The organization will be launching its food truck program across 25 cities known to have long lines in an attempt to make voting during the COVID era a little more amenable.
“Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in March, we’ve seen in-person voting locations struggle. Poll worker shortages are reducing the number of polling places — and social distancing measures are limiting the number of people who can vote at one time. As a result, lines are getting longer,” says the non-profit on its website. “By launching food trucks in cities with a history of long lines, we plan to safely provide free, individually wrapped snacks and beverages to everyone.”
The individually-packed snacks will come from some awesome vendors like Milk Bar and Shake Shack among others and will be safely delivered to you by professionally trained staff wearing protective masks and gloves.
The program launches in Miami on October 29 until November 3 and will be relying on voters’ live reports to determine what polling stations to visit.
See also: This Mount Dora Bistro Sells Flamin’ Hot Cheeto Sushi Burgers And Hotdogs
[Featured image: Pizza to the Polls]